Thursday, 14 May 2020

All hope is not lost because of Covid19....

My thoughts on the Coronavirus

At first when I heard about the Coronavirus, or shall I say Covid19. It didn't seem to have been so problematic...Until now. It was only until the Government started to close borders and many businesses, it became apparently clear that Mr. Corona was no joke, and I'm not referring to the beverage. The Lord does have a sense of humor because I was praying about giving more of myself towards missions and due to the Covid19 Pandemic, I was able too. My part-time job closed until further notice, which evidently gave me more time to do more missions work.

Hampers ready for distribution

The Impact On the Church

The limited number that was placed on those gathering or congregating took a big hit on the churches It meant that hey had to refer to Virtual services. And, a very likely possibility of a loss or a reduction in income. It was especially hard for me, at first. I love going to church and fellowshipping with my brothers and sisters in Christ. But then the Holy Spirit had to remind me that we are the church. The church is not the building, but the people that occupy the building. Now is the time for us as believers to demonstrate Christ-like love in a tangible way and even more now, than ever. Thanks to all the churches who have stepped up and have been such a great help to those in need at a time like this.
 At the start of Covid19, this scripture came to me on (3) three different occasions. Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be opened and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place .2 Chronicles  7:14-15 NLT.
We have to daily ask the Lord to search our hearts and really submit ourselves to the will of the Father through the Holy Spirit. Now is the time to apply the word of God to our lives so that Christ can be reflected in the way we live and in how we treat others. Let us stop holding on to unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness, fighting for position, jealousy, hypocrisy, and do as Hebrew 12:1 says and lay aside every sin which so easily ensnares us (Nkjv). I pray that in whatever decision that we make, this scripture would be forever present in our minds. 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NLT)  For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.

Bagging split peas to
 put in hampers

What have I been up too?

I have been assisting Is There Not a Cause by packing hampers, doing deliveries, etc down at the (ITNAC) base for a total of  (1) one month. We have distributed over (2000) two thousand hampers from March to mid-May thus far. Some of the recipient's testimonies were so heartbreaking. It can actually become very emotional just listening to it. One particular lady cried on the phone saying that she had not gotten any help in months and had reached out to a number of different Organizations but to no avail. She said that we were the first Organization to give her a hamper. 
 We assisted some University students that were stuck in Trinidad & Tobago because of travel restrictions with groceries and toiletries.
Mother's day weekend, we partnered with Compassion Outreach Ministries, Faith Fight, Women of Substance (Tobago), New Beginning Ministries, and Till All Hear to distribute 500 hampers, meals, gifts, cupcakes and to share love and hope. This particular operation was planned and well-executed within (72) hours! ITNAC also partnered Voice of Lupus Foundation for the entire month of May. On Mother's day, we gave Mothers living with Lupus a treat and will also be reaching out to (25) twenty-five persons living with Lupus to assist them with the food.

Going to distribute hampers

A team member assisting with our
Palo Seco distribution

A married couple leaving with
 their hamper

A recipient leaving with his hamper

Donated cooked meals-  ready for distribution

Mother's Day cupcakes

Beautifully packaged cupcakes

Icacos Distribution to Migrants (Venezuelans)

A team from Itnac went to Icacos to distribute hampers, toys, clothing, plates, water, etc to Venezuelan migrants. Most of them were living in galvanize structures with dirt floors. Some were even living in boats! One team member said that it reminded her of a place that we had visited in Venezuela name Los Cocos.
 It was not the richest part of Venezuela at the time.

Some of the team members offloading items

One of the items that were donated (the Couch)

Galvanize structured houses

Avonelle and the team praying for some migrants

What Can you do?

Pray- we always need prayer. In fact, the bible says in  Thessalonians 5:17 to never stop praying.

Give- you can give financially or whatever the Lord would have laid on your heart to give to ITNAC or any Organisation of your choice.

Evangelize- you can share the gospel online. Social media is easy to access for most people. We can take advantage of the era of technology, especially at this time.

Encourage- share encouragement with someone by calling or even texting to see how someone else is doing. We ought to do as Philippians 4:2 (NLT) Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.

Connect- Reconnect/ connect with friends and loved ones whom you haven't spoken too for a while.

Explore a new talent or hobby- Try something new that you would like and enjoy. Whatever it may be...

I made fudge for the first time!

I leave you with this scripture...Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. 
Isaiah 55:6 (Esv)